ICODOS’ Synthetic Methanol Prototype at EDF’s “Power-to-X Test Platform”

ICODOS prototype plant and EDF test platform 

A central element of the POSEIDON project and demonstration activities is the construction and testing of an advanced power-to-e-methanol demonstration plant. This innovative prototype designed and built by partner ICODOS will have a production capacity of 750 liters of renewable e-methanol per day. It will be tested by partner EDF in the Power-to-X test platform near Paris, France. The produced e-methanol will undergo tests in 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines and a pilot boat to assess fuel quality and compatibility. These demonstration activities will help validate POSEIDON’s technical solutions and provide technical data required for comprehensive technical, economic, environmental, and social assessments. 

Development of a modular demonstration plant 

ICODOS will construct a modular plant able to convert hydrogen and CO2 into synthetic methanol. The POSEIDON plant builds upon a 50L/day proof-of-concept methanol plant developed by partner KIT and licensed to partner ICODOS, installed at the Energy Lab of KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany. The project aims to upscale the technology from TRL5 (50 L/day) to TRL7 (750 L/day). At the core of the ICODOS technology is a hybrid process which combines CO2 capture and methanol synthesis. This new concept lowers investment and operating costs by reducing the energy required for compression as well as the overall equipment needed. ICODOS technology can play a crucial role in the production of renewable fuels for shipping. 

POSEIDON consortium in front of proof-of-concept methanol plant developed by partner KIT and licensed to partner ICODOS, installed at the Energy Lab of KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany

Detailed engineering studies in progress 

ICODOS completed the basic engineering study in March 2024 and has since been working on the detailed engineering studies including the design of auxiliary equipment, the development of data sheets for all instruments and the 3D piping design. ICODOS collaborates closely with partner KIT in charge of developing a digital twin of the e-methanol plant that will model all processes and help to improve the plant’s performance. KIT is also responsible for the quality insurance of the engineering work and in summer 2024 a call of tender was launched to find a suitable contractor to verify that all engineering plans are compatible with the highest safety and security standards. There are also regular meetings between ICODOS and EDF to best design the Power-to-X test platform so that it can best accommodate the e-methanol plant once commissioned and test campaigns can start without delays.  

EDF’s Power-to-X Test Platform 

EDF’s Power-to-X Test Platform is a testing facility located at EDF Lab Les Renardières used to assess renewable e-fuel production technologies under various operating conditions (normal and disrupted). EDF launched in November 2023 the basic design studies for adapting the Power-to-X test platform so that it can host the ICODOS technology. As of autumn 2024, this task is nearly complete and several results were produced such as the definition of all utilities (compressed air, nitrogen, electricity) required for the tests, the development of the platform’s plot plan and the finalisation of a preliminary risk study. The next step is to open a call for tender to find an experienced engineering company which will be in charge of the detailed design studies. 

We will keep you updated about the progress of the construction of both e-methanol pilot plant and test platform.