Latest news about the project progress and about upcoming and past project events
POSEIDON features in CORDIS’s Synergy Info Pack
We are honored by the inclusion of the POSEIDON project in the latest CORDIS Synergy Info Pack, entitled “Waterborne Transport for a Green Future”. This essential publication highlights…
POSEIDON’s local communities of practice (COP)
One of the objectives of the POSEIDON project is to set up Communities of Practice (COP) in Valencia and Thessaloniki to prepare the implementation of local value chains…
International Women’s Day
Today is International Women’s Day and we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate our female colleagues involved in the POSEIDON project! As the gender dimension plays…
Second partner meeting in Valencia
The members of the EU project POSEIDON gathered in Valencia on March 5 and 6, 2024 for the project’s second Consortium meeting. The two-days event took place at…
POSEIDON kickoff meeting held in Karlsruhe
The kick-off meeting was held in Karlsruhe, Germany, on September 6th and 7th bringing together 19 organizations from 7 EU countries. The 2-day event allowed partners to get…
POSEIDON project officially starts
The Horizon EU POSEIDON project officially started on September 1st 2023. It will last 4 years and aims to facilitate the use of synthetic methanol for the decarbonization…