POSEIDON project officially starts

The Horizon EU POSEIDON project officially started on September 1st 2023. It will last 4 years and aims to facilitate the use of synthetic methanol for the decarbonization of the shipping sector by demonstrating innovative solutions along the renewable fuel value chain.

Technical focus

Following technical aspects will be studied:
– The investigation of two complementary feedstock pathways for e-methanol production: biogenic CO2 from a biogas plant and industrial CO2 from a lime plant,
– The development of a new power-to-e-methanol prototype and further demonstration within a test platform allowing to re-create real case studies conditions,
– The testing of the produced fuel in 2- and 4-stroke engines and in a pilot boat in open sea to confirm its applicability.

Project team

To achieve all these results, the project draws on the extensive experience of its 19 partners, a well-balanced team 8 industrial partners: EDF, ICODOS, FINCANTIERI, Isotta Fraschini Motori, WinGD, Global Omnium, Inventors, Cao Hellas, 5 research organisations: EIFER – European Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), CNR-STEMS, 2 ports: Fundación Valenciaport, ThPA S.A. – Port of Thessaloniki S.A., 2 business support organisations: RINA, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, 1 association: AVEBIOM and 1 public agency: Swedish Maritime Administration.

For more information on the main project innovations and expected outcomes please read this section