POSEIDON kickoff meeting held in Karlsruhe

The kick-off meeting was held in Karlsruhe, Germany, on September 6th and 7th bringing together 19 organizations from 7 EU countries. The 2-day event allowed partners to get to know each other, to validate an action plan for the upcoming months for a smooth implementation of the project, and to have a first exchange with the members of the Advisory Board who will provide guidance throughout the project.  

First partner meeting in Karlsruhe to kick-start the first activities  

The inaugural meeting of POSEIDON was organized over two days. On the first day, the project coordinator and work package leaders presented the main activities of the project. 

In the afternoon, partner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) invited all partners to a visit of the Energy lab 2.0 located at the KIT campus North. Energy Lab 2.0 is a cooperative project of the three Helmholtz Centres KIT, Forschungszentrum Jülich and German Aerospace Center. It is a test bed where several innovative energy solutions including Power-to-X plants, storage solutions and hydrogen electrolysers are demonstrated. It allows to run real simulations and test cutting-edge sector coupling technologies for shaping the future German energy system. Project partners could have a look at the proof-of-concept e-methanol plant to be upscaled within POSEIDON. After the site visit, partners enjoyed a short city tour in Karlsruhe and a joint dinner.  

The second day was dedicated to first meetings between the consortium and the EC project officer as well as the members of the Advisory Board. These were followed by short workshops moderated by work package leaders that helped in kick-starting early project tasks and assigning responsibilities to ensure a smooth implementation of POSEIDON. The next partner meeting will take place in March 2024. 

Group picture of POSEIDON project partners during kickoff meeting

For further information, please read the full first press release on the kickoff meeting in Karlsruhe