Resources & Links

This resource centre features all public deliverables, publications and communication materials related to the POSEIDON project

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Project description

FUELPHORIA (2023-2027) aims to create sustainable value chains for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs. It will test nine value chains in Europe and contribute to the replacement of fossil based fuels in the buidling, energy and transport sectors. POSEIDON partner CERTH is member of the consortium.

Project description

BUTTERFLY (2023-2026) goal is to enable the the flexible and sustainable production of renewable dimethyl ether (rDME) and synthetic natural gas (SNG) from feedstocks of biological and non-biological origin, targeting sectors like shipping and steel. The project will demonstrate at pilot level a flexible, efficient and low-cost process.

Project description

UP-TO-ME (2022-2025) focuses on the development of a TRL4 power-to-methanol plant which transforms CO2 from biogas into synthetic methanol and simultaneously upgrades biogas to biomethane. It contributes to the decarbonisation of the maritime sector. POSEIDON partners KIT, ICODOS, GOMSL and AUTH are partners of the consortium.